Robert Schwartz

Working closely with several mediums and channels, I have now explored the pre-birth plans of many, many people. I have learned that the events in their lives are neither random nor arbitrary, but rather part of a wisely conceived and intricate plan—a plan they themselves bravely designed. I have learned, too, that souls often select very different challenges for similar reasons. You may therefore hear the motivations of your soul in the story of someone whose life is, at least on the surface, very different from your own. In Your Soul’s Plan and Your Soul’s Gift I offer to you the life stories and pre-birth plans of twenty-two courageous souls.

A Between Lives Soul Regression

A Between Lives Soul Regression or BLSR (also known as a life between lives regression or LBL) is a sacred experience in which you can return to the nonphysical realm you call Home between your earthly incarnations and so experience and remember your identity as an immortal soul. A Between Lives Soul Regression is a powerful and deeply healing way to gain an expanded awareness of who you really are and a profound understanding of the plan for, and purpose of, your life.